Sunday, May 29, 2011

Andy-this week!

New week, same 16-year old, new experiences. This Saturday we're going to put our 16-year old on a plane to Newark, New Jersey to change planes twice, arrive, find his transportation to upstate New York and then paticipate in a 7-day leadership seminar at West Point Academy. When he gets home, he has two days to get ready to do the same thing on the other side of the country at the Air Force Academy. Is the same young man who thinks it's fun to get punched in the face ready for this? I think so. It is scary, to say the least, for his mom. But, it will be a chance for him to see what military life is like-on a very short-term scale. Prayers for Andy and mom would be greatly appreciated! :)

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

I missed bloggging!

I'm baaackkkk! I found that I've really missed having a place to share random thoughts, opinions, questions, etc, so here I am.

For today: Why do sixteen-year old boys have to act so much like sixteen-year old boys? As he walks in the door obviously hiding one side of his face from his fairly perceptive mom, I'm thinking, "Hmmm, what could this mean?" It means that he is sporting a huge cheek that subsequently became bigger and bigger and more and more bruised. Why you may ask? Because he and his "friends" thought it would be funny to videotape each other taking a punch in the face to post on YouTube. My response, bursting into tears. It was not my intention, but this may have been the best accidental punishment a 16-year old boy can be subjected to. (Moms--use this sparingly, but it does work.) So, in the scope of things, it could be worse. Although having to buy a new heating pad, pay for x-rays, having many "discussions" about choices which will probably make him think twice wasn't what I would have chosen, he's a great kid and I love him a lot!--just quit acting your age!