Sunday, February 12, 2012

Big Changes at the Meyers House

West Point Academy

We found out this week that Andy has been accepted to West Pt. and will report July 2nd, 2012.  After about 2 1/2 years of applications, essays, deadlines, interviews, physicals and tests, we can take a short (really short) break before we start getting things ready for him to go.  We are all excited for him and are trying to prepare for the big change that will be happening at our house.  When Andy got the first phone call on Wednesday night, he had a little smile on his face and I knew what was happening. Although it is hard for us to have any of our kids far away, we know that he will do great and he is ready.  As I'm sure all parents of future cadets feel, I think they're lucky to be getting such a fine young man.  We're planning on lots of frequent flier miles .

Friday, February 3, 2012

Things I LOVE right now, this very minute!
Scratch cupcakes

Lilli coming home for the weekend unexpectedly and a husband that will drop everything to go get her

Going to basketball games and seeing Andy "dunk" it

Planning a family adventure for Spring Break

Spring Break

Getting home from work at 1:30 on Fridays

Looking at baby pictures of the boys

Pete getting excited for football

One of my students who was in a homeless shelter moving into an apartment

Making mashed potatoes and gravy for dinner

A kitty app for the ipad for Meg to play with