Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Yikes, it's been a while!

Okay, no excuses, I have been so negligent with my blog! A blog is like a kitten:  you need to care for it, love it, feed it and check on it regularly.  Luckily the word 'regularly' is very subjective and in my case, that means once every 6 months!

I've been inspired by my sister-in-law Liisa to care for my little blog on a much more frequent timeline.

So to catch up, this is what we've been doing lately (since March, remember those subjective terms):

1)  Andy graduated from HS
2)  3-4 trips to NY
3)  Trip to the lake
4)  Long summer for Andy of Beast at WP (many tears by Mom)
5)  Move for Lilli to a different house with different roommates
6)  Juggling of bedrooms at home as we finished the attic and kids have moved
7)  House projects for mom and dad
8)  Pete's jr. year started
9)  Pete is playing offensive and defensive line for his team
10)  An ongoing search for a puppy by Pete and Mom
11)  School back in session for everybody
12)  Many hours spent looking for airline tix by Joel

Although this is a short list of the many things the months have brought our way, it gives you a vague picture of what goes on.  Through it all we count our Blessings and are thankful for all that God provides and all of the ways he surprises us!