Thursday, December 18, 2008

19 things...

I found this thing on Facebook the other day called, "19 Things." You're supposed to tell 16 random ideas/thoughts/ facts about yourself. Then, anyone who reads it can do it next! :) So, I'll tell you 19 things about our family.
1. Our favorite place in the world is Lake Vemillion, MN where we go every summer.
2. We love to go on family vacations.
3. Pete and Mom are the outgoing ones; Dad, Andy, and I are the more reserved ones.
4. We know almost every line from Saturday Night Live: Best of Will Ferrell. ;)
5. Our family bleeds UNI purple and gold!
6. Family games of choice-Scrabble and Tripoli
7. We LOVE to read!!
8. Kurt Warner is probably our family's hero. (haha)
9. Andy: wants to go the Airforce Academy, he's a really hard worker.
10. He loves weightlifting and working out.
11. Pete: wants to be a Forest Ranger at a National Park.
12. He can make anyone laugh and loves to give people gifts.
13. I am addicted to Facebook!
14. I love photography and working with kids, not sure how those 2 will fit together in my life!
15. Mom: is a reading teacher and is great at it.
16. She loves to knit, travel, and read books from the New Shelf at the library.
17. Dad: he works for American Family Insurance.
18. He likes camping, being outside, and is artistic.
19. Our family is a close, tight-knit family. We are so blessed!
Tag! You're it. It's your turn to write about yourself or your family :) Have fun! -lilli

Monday, December 8, 2008

Tripadvisor Map

I've been "researching" our next family adventure lately and have spent countless hours on Tripadvisor, which is one of the best sites to check out before you go anywhere. I noticed that I could add our map to a blog, so I tried it, and it worked!! Anyway, I thought it was cool, so I thought I would point it out. I can't devulge any more about our plans, as it is a secret until December 25. See ya! Joel

Friday, August 8, 2008

Thursday, August 7, 2008


PS-The Lamms(the missionaries in the Dominican) have a really neat blog: Check it out!

Dominican Republic!

Hi Everybody!
I'm back from the Dominican Republic. We left on July 27 and got home August 5. It was the best week of my life. I had an amazing experience and can't wait to go back! I'd been praying for the last few months that I would know what it is that God wants me to do with my life. I'd been thinking a lot about becoming a missionary and when I got there, it was like a peace that the mission field is where God is leading me. I got to know the American missionaries really well, an intern that was there who went to Ozark Christian College for intercultural studies, and a guy who's starting that major in the fall. My prayer partner was also a missionary and she told me a lot about it. At the end of the week, the missionary Sandy, invited me to do an internship there next summer. I will be praying a lot about it, but I would really like to do it. Above are some pictures of the trip. It was awesome to see all the Lord is doing in that part of the world. Thanks for all the prayers and support! In HIM, Lilli