Saturday, May 30, 2009


This is Andy with our plans for this summer. Its almost summer break at G-R High School. School officially gets out Wednesday, June 3rd. Here are our summer plans.
Lilli- Lilli is working at the daycare in town. In July she will be detassling with me. I'll kind of be her boss. :-)
Pete- Pete is playing baseball this summer with the school team. He'll be golfing as well with his summer pass to the golf courses in Waterloo.
Andy- This summer I will be very busy. I am working at the pool as a lifegaurd. I also have drivers ed. In July I will be detassling again. I will also be golfing with Pete a lot.
Mom- Mom will be going to a lot of baseball games this summer. She'll also be reading and gardening. And she will be getting ready for her classes in the summer.
Dad- Dad will be working this summer. He will also be doing some projects around the house. He'll also golf with me and Pete.
We will be going up to Lake Vermillion this summer. The dates for that are the 25 till the 2nd of August or somethin like that.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009


Hi everyone! Sorry I'm kind of a slacker when it comes to blogging...I'm addicted to Facebook so I don't get on here often. :) Well, I just thought I'd give you all updates on what's been going on in our lives.
Mom and Dad- They're still working, helping with lots of our school activities, and Mom's getting ready for the summer break. Dad helped make a lot of prom decorations.
Andy- He is playing soccer for the high school team right now and really liking it. He was really excited to be dressing Varsity. He's also getting ready for driver's ed. this summer (scary!). Andy plans on detasseling this summer and maybe working at the pool.
Pete- He's also playing soccer and is his team's goalie. He had a great game Saturday and made tons of saves! Pete is getting excited to go on his school trip to Washington, D.C. right after school gets out. He's also going to be playing baseball this summer.
Lilli- I just had prom last weekend and it was so fun! We had a really good time. :) On a different note, I've had a change of plans regarding this summer. I will not be going to the Dominican Republic. I had been feeling like GOD was telling me "you're not supposed to go this time, Lil" because my plans pretty much fell apart and I wasn't able to get plane tickets. Also, I talked to the missionaries there and they are going through a lot of changes in their children's/youth ministry right now and felt like it would not be a good learning experience for me. So, I am going to stay home this summer and help at a camp, do some local mission work, and start my internship under my youth minister early! I was disappointed but I know that obviously GOD did not want me there right now and it will still be a good summer! :) Thank you for your prayers and support. They were appreciated.
Have a great week! Jesus Loves YOU!