Monday, October 19, 2009


...we never update our blog. :) TONS has happened since we last wrote anything, so I'll try to do a quick update. But...I am starting my own blog as well, that I intend to keep updated (hopefully!) and then I'll keep that going as I go to college and stuff. So, I'll try to just say what everyone's been up to since summer!

Andy- football, football, football! He started workouts with the team before school ended last year, did lots in the weight room to get ready, and now has 3 games a week! He's loving it though, and having a great season. He and I also detassled together this summer and he worked as a lifeguard. Andy's liking his sophomore year, and he's started coming to Big House (the Sr. High Wed. night program at church) and really likes it. Andy's been looking more into the Air Force Academy and is getting excited about possibly going into that.

Pete- Also, lots of football! He too, had a great season, and enjoyed having Dad as one of his football coaches. They both had a lot of fun with that. He's also coming to Big House and loves it! (esp. the crazy dodgeball time at the end of the night!) It's crazy that he's going to be in high school already next year! Pete's also doing soccer this year for a rec team.

Lilli- I've been really busy this year, but I'm lovin' my senior year! I work at a daycare and I really, really love my job. I'm involved in a lot of stuff at church and am doing an internship under my youth minister this year. I've also just been trying to get ready for college and taking lots of classes! I'm also just in a lot of clubs and groups at school.

Mom- Mom's been really busy this year going to all of the boys' games, teaching a bunch of classes at Hawkeye, and helping me get ready for college stuff. She's having a good, but crazy fall! My brothers and I are so blessed to have such a great mom! She's also been helping with a project at work to support the troops and she and Dad are joining a new Sunday School class at chuch.

Dad- Dad, Papa Meyers, and the boys all had a fun time going to Minnesota for a fishing trip over Labor Day. They caught some great fish and all had a good time together. Dad also got to help coach Pete's football team this year which he really enjoyed. He's also been busy with work and football games, like Mom. They are both such great parents, and so supportive! GOD truly blessed our whole family.

Sorry this is short and not into much detail, but we're going to try to take turns updating more often, and check out my new !
Jesus Loves YOU!

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