Friday, July 30, 2010

Helping with RAGBRAI

Yesterday was an awesome day! Joel, Pete and I got the privilege of helping when RAGBRAI came through Waterloo. Perfect weather, great location, and 25,000 people riding or helping riders makes for a fun day. We got to work at Hawkeye Community College-the "quiet" camp. Over the day we talked to people from Canada, Texas, Florida, Minnesota, Illinois, and Iowa--not to mention all of the people we talked to, but don't know where they're from! (I think there are people from every state.) It is amazing to see that many people having fun together and seeing our state.

If you like to bike, you should definitely give this a try. If you don't like to bike, but want to be a part of it anyway--you should also think about volunteering or being a support person.

Today we're helping a friend move in a torrential downpour!--wishing for yesterday's weather. :)

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