Monday, August 30, 2010

All back to school....

The school year has started for the kids and me (Laura). It's always a bittersweet time. It's exciting to have everything starting up again--sports, school activities, UNI games, etc. but I also get a bit sad that another summer is gone and another year of having the kids at home has passed.

Andy had his first game Friday. We won 34-7 and he did well. Pete's first one is tonight. We'll be traveling quite a bit for the next few months. (That also means I'll be praying a lot for safety for them and the other boys. :) )

Yesterday I was reminded of the importance of being a Christian Monday-Saturday where I spend most of my time-at home and at work. I'm going to be more intentional about showing Whose I am through my actions in those places. It's easy to do that at church, not so easy the other 6 days!


Friday, August 13, 2010


I love the craziness of having 3 teenagers--it's kind of like having three kids under the age of 4 again! Someone is always coming, going, needing something, eating, get the picture. As they get older, we see the adults they will be someday and it's exciting. More importantly, I love that they love Jesus and each other. This weekend they are going on a road trip to Minneapolis together--yes, I'm a little nervous, but I'm so happy they like to be together. As the boys battle the 100 degree heat at football and Lilli finishes a summer of taking 15 college credit hours, they find time to have fun together and that does a mother's heart good.
(Andy attempting to help his siste and brother tube at the lake-he was very patient!)

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Football time! This is our favorite time of the year! The boys started 4-hour practices this week and will have them until school starts on August 18th. Then when games start, we'll have 3 HS games a week and one college game. I love it! We had our first football injury last night-Pete came home with a 1-inch long gash in his mouth from where his braces connected with his lip and someone else's head. (I think he'll be wearing that braces mouthguard from now on. :) )

On a different note, today Joel and the boys put a roof on Pops' garage (that's Joel's dad), so they could learn how to roof. They did a great job and now they'll be ready for when they buy their own homes someday.