Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Christmas is already over?!!

Highlights from our trip to Branson:

*Silver Dollar City

*Cooking class

*A Christmas Carol

*A trip to a wax museum--what trip to Branson would be complete without it?!!

As I contemplate 2011 I'm looking forward to a great year of sports, another round of senior pics (Andy has already asked if he has to have them taken), college visits, teaching, seeing new places and most importantly, growing in the Lord!

May 2011 be filled with Blessings and joy!

Friday, December 17, 2010

Branson, here we come!

We're off to Branson for the week! We've never been and are looking forward to a week of relaxing, playing cards, looking at lights, taking a cooking class and riding some rides! Lilli and Joel will also be doing a college visit---yes, she's already in college, but is now looking for one for nursing school. Rather than spend a ton of money on gifts, we like to take time to spend together. So, we're staying at The Chateau on the Lake (with a spa) and can't wait!

Monday, December 13, 2010

Merry, Merry!

Merry Christmas to Everyone!

There is nothing as special to me as spending a night at home with my kids--even more now than when they were little, because now they choose to be with us. When they were little-what choice did they have? This weekend I got to do that and it was awesome. It doesn't mean that we sat around singing carols and finding new ways to express our admiration for each other--we were just together doing "what we do" and I love it! Do that this weekend with your family!

This year, especially, I have been reflecting on how blessed we are to have a church, a family, a home, jobs, opportunity to share with others, and laughter. As I think about, and plan for, 2011 it is my wish to live a life that reflects my Creator and to view others as reflections of that Creator. I won't be perfect-far from it! But, if each day is only a little bit better than the one before it, than yea God because it's not me, it's Him!

Now....off to grades papers, bake cookies, do a little gift wrapping and pack for a little family adventure to Missouri. Merry Christmas to all!