Monday, December 13, 2010

Merry, Merry!

Merry Christmas to Everyone!

There is nothing as special to me as spending a night at home with my kids--even more now than when they were little, because now they choose to be with us. When they were little-what choice did they have? This weekend I got to do that and it was awesome. It doesn't mean that we sat around singing carols and finding new ways to express our admiration for each other--we were just together doing "what we do" and I love it! Do that this weekend with your family!

This year, especially, I have been reflecting on how blessed we are to have a church, a family, a home, jobs, opportunity to share with others, and laughter. As I think about, and plan for, 2011 it is my wish to live a life that reflects my Creator and to view others as reflections of that Creator. I won't be perfect-far from it! But, if each day is only a little bit better than the one before it, than yea God because it's not me, it's Him! to grades papers, bake cookies, do a little gift wrapping and pack for a little family adventure to Missouri. Merry Christmas to all!

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