Wednesday, March 21, 2012


 Things have been crazy at our house the last month. (My excuse for being so Blog tardy) A quick overview:  I've been to Florida and California for work trips.  We took a family trip to Washington D.C. where Lilli was able to fly out and meet us to go through the White House, ride the Senator's tram, sit in on a Senate session, see the pandas and eat lots of cupcakes!  We've been wading through paperwork, dr. appointments, background checks, and praying we get Andy to West Point safely and successfully.  We've been researching colleges with Pete and planning his summer of college classes, work and getting ready for FOOTBALL.  Lilli is going to Philadelphia for a week for a student nursing convention while planning a summer medical mission trip to Cambodia.  We're finishing a remodeling project of the attic and starting work on our backyard--yay Iowa weather in the 70-80s in March!  Track meets start this week with soccer soon after. Oh, yeah we try to work too.  :)  I love it all, but it does get CRAZY-as evidenced by the picture of me above. 

Most importantly all of this reminds me of how truly Blessed we are, how important it is to try to be a blessing to someone else each day and to be thankful for each day we are given!  Embrace the insanity!

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