Thursday, February 11, 2010

How time flies

Tonight I was downloading some songs we are going to use in a digital scrapbook for Lilli's graduation and I started reminiscing. For those that don't know me, I tend to dislike change and wish for things to slow down. I guess that's why I like antiques, Norman Rockwell paintings, keep boxes and boxes of pictures, and we just now are on Facebook. At one point a few years ago, I really was considering if it would be possible to sell everything, buy an RV, home school the kids, and hit the road. As it turns out, only Pete was on board with that plan.

As we are getting ready for our first child to "leave the nest", I am reflecting on all that has happened over the last 18 years. All the school events, games, parties, vacations, etc.... Although, it is sad to think this season of our life is beginning to end, I feel so blessed to be married to such a wonderful wife and mother and to have such great kids.

Early on, Laura and I made a commitment to live our lives in such a way, that when the day came that our kids left, we would have no regrets about how we did things. I never wanted to say, "I wish we did this, or that when the kids were little." We felt our mission and ministry through these last 18 years was to create a home for our children that would allow them to stay innocent as long as possible, a home where they would feel loved, a home that they could see God's love even through two imperfect parents :), a home that would lay the foundation for them to take off into the world, follow God's will, and make it a better place.

Parenting is certainly exhausting work, but I can honestly say that we don't have any (well, maybe a few :)) regrets. So, for those of you just beginning this journey, I encourage you to really think through the next 18 years, pray and decide on a family mission. Follow God's promptings. Be intentional. Have big birthday parties, make crazy Halloween costumes, go on vacations together, go to every school play, every soccer game, every school conference. Take your kids to Sunday School, church, youth group.

Finally, I just wanted to share a poem that Laura and I found one day by Karen Kingsbury. It kind of sums up what I'm trying to say:

Long ago you came to me,
a miracle of firsts,
First smiles and teeth and baby steps,
a sunbeam on the burst.

But one day you will move away
and leave to me your past
And I will be left thinking of
a lifetime of your lasts…

The last time that I held a bottle
to your baby lips
The last time that I lifted you
and held you on my hip.

The last night when you woke up crying,
needing to be walked,
When last you crawled up with your blanket,
wanting to be rocked.

The last time when you ran to me,
still small enough to hold.
The last time that you said you’d marry
me when you grew old.

Precious, simple moments and
bright flashes from your past-
Would I have held on longer if
I’d known they were your last?

Our last adventure to the park,
your final midday nap,
The last time when you wore your favorite
faded baseball cap.

Your last few hours of kindergarten,
those last few days of first grade,
Your last at bat in Little League,
last colored picture made.

I never said good-bye to all
your yesterdays long passed.
So what about tomorrow-
will I recognize your lasts?

The last time that you catch a frog
in that old backyard pond.
The last time that you run barefoot
across our fresh-cut lawn.

Silly, scattered images
will represent your past.
I keep on taking pictures,
never quite sure of your lasts…

The last time that I comb your hair
or stop a pillow fight.
The last time that I pray with you
and tuck you in at night.

The last time when we cuddle
with a book, just me and you
The last time you jump in our bed
and sleep between us two.

The last piano lesson,
last vacation to the lake.
Your last few weeks of middle school,
last soccer goal you make.

I look ahead and dream of days
that haven’t come to pass.
But as I do, I sometimes miss
today’s sweet, precious lasts…

The last time that I help you with
a math or spelling test.
The last time when I shout that yes,
your room is still a mess.

The last time that you need me for
a ride from here to there.
The last time that you spend the night
with your old tattered bear.

My life keeps moving faster,
stealing precious days that pass,
I want to hold on longer-
want to recognize your lasts…

The last time that you need my help
with details of a dance.
The last time that you ask me for
advice about romance.

The last time that you talk to me
about your hopes and dreams.
The last time that you wear a jersey
for your high school team.

I’ve watched you grow and barely noticed
seasons as they pass.
If I could freeze the hands of time,
I’d hold on to your lasts.

For come some bright fall morning,
you’ll be going far away.
College life will beckon
in a brilliant sort of way.

One last hug, one last good-bye,
one quick and hurried kiss.
One last time to understand
just how much you’ll be missed.

I’ll watch you leave and think how fast
our time together passed.
Let me hold on longer, God,
to every precious last.


Rebecca said...

Thanks for that post. I teared up reading that poem. Steve and I really appreciated the advice, something we will take to heart. We hope to be in the same position as you guys are when our first is heading off to college - with such beautiful well behaved Christian children. Way to go mom and dad.. Following HIM really does pay off ;)

Lilli said...

update your blog... :)

Pastor Cal said...

I appreciated reading your post. I remember the first time Diana and I met all 3 kids...Kids Klub and they were all just in grade school! They have all turned out to be great young adults! God bless you all!