Monday, August 1, 2011

Are you ready for some Football?!

Football Time!!!

This week is the beginning of "the season"!  I love it!  Andy gets to be a part of hosting a football camp for elementary school kids tomorrow and Wednesday through Friday both boys will be going to high school football camp.  Mind you, this isn't singing, s'mores, and games--but they call it camp anyway.  This camp consists of running, sweating, lifting, groaning and for some, throwing up even!   
Every year, I have mixed feelings at this time of year because I love watching them play, but I also know that it's one year closer to them being done with high school.  When the boys were little, I thought that it would be hard to see them be attached to other adults, but their relationships with their coaches and teachers has been a true blessing to them and to us.  As parents, we of course think our kids are great :), but it's nice to know that others like them too.

I also love this time of year because college and NFL games will follow right behind the start of the high school season--our college team was picked unanimously to be the conference winner again.  This football season is bringing quite a change to the Meyers household--one that we never could have foreseen or prepared for.  One of us is becoming an Iowa Hawkeye, we intentionally raised our children to shun all things U of I.  But, as Lilli is starting there in a few weeks for nursing school, our loyalties are utterly divided.  How do we, with a clear conscience, send money and a child to the school without
semi-supporting it?  It will be an interesting few months.  Realistically, football isn't the epitome of importance- or so I've been told anyway. But, what we know to be true and how it plays out aren't exactly the same thing.

All that being said, Happy Football to all and to all a great season!

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