Friday, June 26, 2009

Catching Up...Again

Every time one of us seems like we're "catching up" on about 2 months of stuff :) So, I'm going to try to catch up and then get better about blogging more often! We've been really busy since school got out at the beginning of June. Andy's soccer team went to the State Soccer Tournament in Des Moines. That was really exciting, they ended up getting 4th in the state. Pete has been playing baseball and just got done yesterday. Andy has also been lifeguarding, taking Driver's Ed., and hanging out with friends a lot. Now that baseball is done, Pete plans on watching a lot of T.V. and swimming :) I've been working at the Day Care in town, taking a class at Hawkeye, and looking at some different colleges. I was a counselor at a church camp last week, that was a lot of fun. Andy and I are gearing up for detassling, too! Mom has been taking a class, too, and staying busy with Pete's baseball and stuff. Dad has been really busy at work, lots of storms lately. He had to spend the first few weeks of summer in Wichita, Kansas. Well, that kind of catches up what we've been doing! Hopefully we'll get better at this blogging thing. haha Have a good day! -lilli

1 comment:

Rebecca said...

Good to hear the update. Can't wait to see you guys in NOV!