Monday, December 5, 2011

Random thoughts

Sometimes we hear things and think, "Wow, that's so true!"  and they promptly leave our heads forever.  A few weeks ago I heard one of those things, but it hasn't left my head and it keeps popping up in my life.  I'm thinking I need to pay attention to it and look for ways to show it and share it.

The thing I heard:

It's more important to DO right, than it is to BE right.


*When I want to correct someone or they are correcting me and I'm annoyed--Do right

*When I feel slighted and want to return the favor---Do right

*When I could ignore something, but my ego doesn't want to---Do right

*When I see someone in need and I can help--Do right

*When I can share what I have---Do right

*When I feel like doing nothing, but I have the ability to do something--Do right

*When I can keep my opinion to myself and listen to someone else's--Do right

The list could go on  forever, but this is where I am today.  Where are you?

Thursday, November 17, 2011


*Pastors that preach the Word
*Awesome children
*Great people to work with                                 
*Betsy and Meg
*Husband that never balks at home projects      
 *Targets with Starbucks
*Jigsaw puzzles and a puzzle table to do them on     
*Time for baking
*Christmas music                                                       
*Christmas lights
*Friends who understand "happy" tears           
*Seeing former students who are successful
*Bezzerwizzer with the family

Monday, October 24, 2011

Monday, October 3, 2011

Some of my favorites....

There is nothing more precious than time spent reading with little ones.  I love children's books and count every minute I spent reading them with my kids as the most precious, even as they got older and we read chapter books together.  These are just a few of our favorites....when you have a minute, check them out!

Monday, September 19, 2011

Just Some Projects at Home....

I just remembered that I previously said I'd post pics of some of the projects we've been working on.  This  is our downstairs bathroom.  I've recently fallen back in love with wedgewood blue, so blue it is-for now anyway.  Colors don't last long at our house.  Thankfully, I have a patient husband who's willing to humor me.

Here are a few pics of the living room with new furniture.  When Lilli moved to Iowa City, she needed a couch and, what's a mom to do, but sacrifice her furniture for her beloved daughter.

We also have been doing a bunch of things in the backyard and Lilli's room---I'll try to be better about posting those soon. 

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Are You Ready for some Football?

Rebel Football 2011
Andy with the other Captains and the Honorary Captain

Pete entertaining the crowd on the sidelines

Both of the boys getting personal coaching
After the Grundy Center game talking to the fam

Talking to Papa and Liz

This year we get to watch the boys play together again--we didn't think that would happen past jr. high.  It's great to watch them warming up together and talking on the sidelines.  It's pretty special.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Under "construction".....

This time of year always brings out a desire in me to re-do things at home!  Maybe it's getting the house ready for winter when we'll be trapped indoors for months at a time.  This year, it's partly that and partly having one less person living there and wanting to occupy my time.

Projects in progress:

*Painting and redecorating the downstairs bathroom  (with the upstairs one to follow)

*Sanding, prepping, and painting an antique bed and dresser to put in Lilli's room--since she took all of her things with her

*New living room furniture/configuration--Lilli even took our living room furniture!

*Relandscaping our backyard--moving plants to the stream, taking out some bushes that don't "match" my yard  :), and putting in some new perrennials

*Just finished painting one side of the house

As I look back, I'm using the word "I" quite liberally--Joel is doing the lion's share of the work, but I'm great with the ideas and planning!  I love the way a room looks with new paint! 
I'll post some pics soon!
Happy Fall and if you need an idea person for re-doing something, call!
(I chose this picture because I've been threatening Joel with painting something this color, he's not on board yet.)

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Sunday Musings

I'm thankful.....

For friends and family that have been encouraging Lilli every step of the way and will continue to pray for her and support her at school!

For our church where we're held accountable and made to think about our actions which can be uncomfortable, but is so necessary.

For family that love our kids and are convinced that they're the best!  :)

For jobs where we can touch and help people and have great coworkers.

For 75 degree weather.

For my aunt Pat, she is simply the best!

For a home to decorate and husband who is always willing to do the work that I envision.
For a dog that will walk with me whenever and wherever I want her to.

For the ability to see the blessings in my life.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Are you ready for some Football?!

Football Time!!!

This week is the beginning of "the season"!  I love it!  Andy gets to be a part of hosting a football camp for elementary school kids tomorrow and Wednesday through Friday both boys will be going to high school football camp.  Mind you, this isn't singing, s'mores, and games--but they call it camp anyway.  This camp consists of running, sweating, lifting, groaning and for some, throwing up even!   
Every year, I have mixed feelings at this time of year because I love watching them play, but I also know that it's one year closer to them being done with high school.  When the boys were little, I thought that it would be hard to see them be attached to other adults, but their relationships with their coaches and teachers has been a true blessing to them and to us.  As parents, we of course think our kids are great :), but it's nice to know that others like them too.

I also love this time of year because college and NFL games will follow right behind the start of the high school season--our college team was picked unanimously to be the conference winner again.  This football season is bringing quite a change to the Meyers household--one that we never could have foreseen or prepared for.  One of us is becoming an Iowa Hawkeye, we intentionally raised our children to shun all things U of I.  But, as Lilli is starting there in a few weeks for nursing school, our loyalties are utterly divided.  How do we, with a clear conscience, send money and a child to the school without
semi-supporting it?  It will be an interesting few months.  Realistically, football isn't the epitome of importance- or so I've been told anyway. But, what we know to be true and how it plays out aren't exactly the same thing.

All that being said, Happy Football to all and to all a great season!

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Thankful Thursday!

Orchard Hill Church

Sunflowers in my garden

Countdown to football started

Drumsticks-- the ice cream kind  :)

Joel going grocery shopping with me

Time to read my Book Club book

A break in the heat

Walking with Betsy

Price is Right--lame I know, but I love when I get to watch it!

Cherry tomatoes fresh from the garden--not my garden yet, but somebody's!  :)

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Summer lovin"...

Summer lovin', had me a blast! (Read with music playing in your mind please. Yes, I love the movie Grease!)

U---unplanned events
E---evening walks

O---our pond
I---ice cream

Friday, July 1, 2011


My personal definition of the word bittersweet:

Finishing an awesome book

Daughters getting into the school they really wanted

Sons applying to schools to serve their country

Youngest sons asking to sign up to take the ACT

Vacations at the lake with the family

Senior pictures


Students moving on after having them for a year


Sunday, June 26, 2011

Gardening .....

Yay!  My raspberries and strawberries are ready!  I love the process of planning, tilling, planting, watering, weeding, and harvesting my garden.  This year I planted corn, tomatoes, peppers, peas, sunflowers and have a strawberry and raspberry patch.  I often plant things just because I love the way they look, i.e. peppers.  I love the colors and sharing them with friends--don't love the taste so much.

I also love flower gardening, it's amazing to see the creativity of our Creator.  There are so many colors, shapes, scents and varieties.  I've found myself returning to "old-fashioned" ones in the past few years.  I've planted a daisy garden, columbine, and bleeding hearts.  Daisies simply make me happy to see--it's like a garden of smiley faces. 

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Counting the days.....

Our family countdown has begun....our annual trip to Northern Minnesota.  There is nothing better than the moment we pull out of the driveway together.  No phones, no computers, no TV.  We spend the time fishing, reading, boating, fishing, grilling, eating ice cream, fishing, looking for get the idea and if not, watch the movie The Great Outdoors--an old classic we watch before taking off every year to get ready. 

Each year becomes more precious as the kids get older and we know that soon they might not be able to join us.  We're hoping that they'll all be able to work their schedules go with us for many years.

15, 14, 13.....

Saturday, June 11, 2011

The Joys of Parenting

Pete and I have begun a new venture!  We have been attending auctions, buying merchandise and selling it online.  It is so much fun to have a common interest and get to spend time with my 15-year old.  We have been learning together about the costs of business, dividends (his favorite part), and the importance of buying things others will like-not stuff we want to keep! 

Lilli is waiting to find out where she will attend nursing school.  It is a joy to watch your children become the people they were meant to be.  She is spending more and more time with some mission projects which may ultimately help her decide where she wants to go.  Wherever she ends up, it will be where she's meant to be and doing what she was created to do. 

What a joy it was to travel to New York to spend the day with Andy when he graduated from a Leadership Seminar at West Point!  It was like stepping onto the real-life grounds of Hogwarts!  I was amazed and impressed with both the young people there for the seminar and the young people that are cadets at the school.  As a speaker shared, "This is actually the Greatest Generation.  This generation is coming of age in a more turbulent time than ever in history, and will deal with things we could never have anticipated. "  I think we're in good hands.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Summer has begun!

Summer has started--officially!  I always forget that summer is just as crazy as the school year. In the 5 days since the boys finished their freshman and junior years of high school and Lilli finished her year of college, this is what's occurred:

Lilli started summer school, went to Kansas City to visit my beloved aunt and her great-aunt, redecorated her room, started looking for a new part-time job, checked the mailbox and email approximately 50 times a day to see about her nursing school application, worked on a transitional house with her dad, brothers and boyfriend, played with kids at Cedar Valley Youth Art Team, and spent some time doing her cousin's fingernails, to name a few

Andy finished his military packets, finished the soccer season, started summer weightlifting, went paintballing with the football team, worked on a transitional house, has been working at the hardware store, went to basketball camp, packed for his two weeks away, helped with a Memorial Day get-together with family and is turning 17 tomorrow

Pete has been fishing 4 times, went paintballing, started summer weightlifting, worked on a transitional house, has been attending Driver's Ed, went to detasseling meeting, has been disc golfing, helped with scoreboard at a few soccer games, has helped at the hardware store, played some PS3 and much more

When does school start again?!  I already feel a bit overwhelmed!  I started back to teaching today though, so I can go there and get a rest.  :)  But in all honesty, I truly love summer!  Today both of my sons came to get me at work and we got to do a little shopping and have lunch together. I feel pretty Blessed!

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Andy-this week!

New week, same 16-year old, new experiences. This Saturday we're going to put our 16-year old on a plane to Newark, New Jersey to change planes twice, arrive, find his transportation to upstate New York and then paticipate in a 7-day leadership seminar at West Point Academy. When he gets home, he has two days to get ready to do the same thing on the other side of the country at the Air Force Academy. Is the same young man who thinks it's fun to get punched in the face ready for this? I think so. It is scary, to say the least, for his mom. But, it will be a chance for him to see what military life is like-on a very short-term scale. Prayers for Andy and mom would be greatly appreciated! :)

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

I missed bloggging!

I'm baaackkkk! I found that I've really missed having a place to share random thoughts, opinions, questions, etc, so here I am.

For today: Why do sixteen-year old boys have to act so much like sixteen-year old boys? As he walks in the door obviously hiding one side of his face from his fairly perceptive mom, I'm thinking, "Hmmm, what could this mean?" It means that he is sporting a huge cheek that subsequently became bigger and bigger and more and more bruised. Why you may ask? Because he and his "friends" thought it would be funny to videotape each other taking a punch in the face to post on YouTube. My response, bursting into tears. It was not my intention, but this may have been the best accidental punishment a 16-year old boy can be subjected to. (Moms--use this sparingly, but it does work.) So, in the scope of things, it could be worse. Although having to buy a new heating pad, pay for x-rays, having many "discussions" about choices which will probably make him think twice wasn't what I would have chosen, he's a great kid and I love him a lot!--just quit acting your age!

Monday, February 21, 2011

This is our way of saying TTFN. Thanks for reading, keep up with our family on Facebook, through email or heck, give us a call anytime!---The Meyers

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Mid-winter Thaw!

When you live in Iowa, there is nothing more welcome than an unseasonably warm day in the middle of winter! This week we enjoyed just such an occurrence and loved every minute of it. We were recovering from a 2-week subzero snap when, out of the blue we were Blessed with a 70 degree day. It's the thing that helps us survive the rest of February and March. It's at times like this that I'm truly thankful to be able to raise my family in Iowa. We get to enjoy God's handiwork in all seasons and conditions. Open windows and Robins in February which gave me my first opportunity to open the Iowa bird book that my aunt sent me last week.

My challenge to all this week: Look around and find the little things that you're thankful for!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

February 14th-the Happiest Day of the Year!

Happy Valentine's Day!!! This is my favorite day of the year-and always has been! I love the decorations, the colors, the candy, the flowers, the LOVE!!! So, brighten someone's day and Valentine It Up this year!